The Injuries Board
The Injuries Board is an independent body which assesses the level of compensation that people should receive who have suffered personal injuries.
The Injuries Board can only deal with cases where there is no dispute on liability. The Injuries Board never hear from claimants as to how their injuries have affected them. They rely solely on medical reports furnished to them. The Injuries Board deal with motor accident and public and employer liability claims.
All personal injury claims (except medical negligence claims) must be lodged with the Injuries Board within two years from the date of the accident. A form is completed by your Solicitor and lodged with the Board together with a medical report and a cheque for €45.00. Once the claim is registered with the Board the statute of limitations is stopped. The Injuries Board then forward a copy of the application to the respondents and/or their insurance company requesting their consent to the Board making an assessment of damages
Shannons Solicitors LLP can help you with some of the issues that may arise with the Injuries Board:
Getting proper specialist reports
We can advise you in relation to time limits for lodging the claim and ensure your claim is lodged within those time limits
Getting complete and proper medical reports that deal with all aspects of an injury
Getting information in relation to out of pocket expenses and loss of earnings
Dealing with the issue of liability at the first consultation and the importance of getting preservation orders, making sure that evidence is not destroyed
Advising claimants in relation to the statute of limitations
Advising claimants of the impact of rejecting or accepting an assessment
View our Injuries Board Estimator to see what compensation you should expect to receive
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